Spanning Multiple Seasons or entire Careers, From 1901 to 2009, Active Players, (requiring HR≥500 and At least 1500 plate appearances), sorted by greatest HR

generated by a site user

Query generated using the Baseball Stathead : /play-index/bsl_finder.cgi. Try the Stathead for free and make your own queries.

User's Notes:
  Cnt Player             HR   PA  From  To   Ages
    1 Ken Griffey       626 11155 1989 2009 19-39 
    2 Alex Rodriguez    578  9566 1994 2009 18-33 
    3 Jim Thome         564  9453 1991 2009 20-38 
    4 Manny Ramirez     546  9390 1993 2009 21-37 
    5 Gary Sheffield    509 10944 1988 2009 19-40 

Seasons/Careers found: 5.

 Photos from the George Grantham Bain Collection at the Library of Congress.

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